Having my own notes system that behaves exactly like I want.
- ✅ Save and edit notes
- ✅ Tags
- ✅ Search
- Using Full text search
- ✅ Nice editor
- ✅ Theming
- ✅ manifest.json
- ✅ backups
- ✅ login with Google that lasts longer than just 1h
- ✅ perf optims
- not done for images
- ✅ share target
- ✅ loadings
- ✅ create note when empty link
- i18n pour maman ❤️
- Go for SSR and devX that motivates me
- Fuego for the server
- Templ for templating
- SQLite because of low volume of data, super latency, search, and ease of backup
- Tailwind for styling
- HTMX for interactivity
- AlpineJS for the rizz and useless pretty stuff